Monday, April 06, 2015

Walpole Peace and Justice Group Events

·         April 8, 2015 , 7:00 PM: Discussion on Racism, the War on Drugs, and Mass Incarceration on Wednesday, at the Walpole Public Library, the Pinnacle Room
The discussion will reference the bookThe New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander.  This NY Times Best Seller is eye opening in its careful presentation of history and statistics, showing how the “war on drugs” has resulted in the mass incarceration of people of color and has been used to institute a racial caste system.  The incarceration of people of color has been devastating to their families, resulting in mass unemployment and poverty. Arrest records follow people the rest of their lives, affecting their opportunities for employment and even their right to vote. Sponsored by the Walpole Peace and Justice Group.

·         May 13, 2015  7:30 PM, Screening of the Documentary Film, Broken On All Sides: Race, Mass incarceration & New Visions for Criminal Justice in the U.S., at the Walpole Public Library, Community Room
This compelling documentary by Matthew Pillischer contains a visual presentation of facts and statistics and many personal stories that reinforce the issues raised by Michelle Alexander in her book. We will have a discussion following the viewing. See the website for more information on the documentary: . Sponsored by the Walpole Peace and Justice Group.