Talk by Carlos and Melida Arredondo on their son killed in Iraq at Walpole Library on Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 7:30
The Walpole Peace & Justice Group is resuming its speaker’s series on September 5 with a talk by Carlos and Melida Arredondo from Roslindale, MA. Carlos gained national recognition when he set himself on fire after learning that his 20 year old son, Marine Lance Cpl. Alexander Arredondo, was killed in action in Najaf, Iraq on August 25, 2004. Carlos attended Alexander’s wake and funeral on a stretcher despite his injuries. He has since recuperated from second degree burns on 26% of his body. Carlos and Melida are currently focusing on public speaking and a media campaign to inform Spanish speaking parents of the unethical recruitment methods used to target troops who come from divorced and low income backgrounds. The talk will focus on their son’s experiences in Iraq and their present views on the war in Iraq. This talk is particularly significant for Walpole as Alexander is buried in the Rural Cemetery in North Walpole. Carlos and Melida are members of Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families for Peace, Pax Christi, American Friends Services Committee and Roslindale Neighbors for Peace and Justice. The talk is at the Walpole Public Library at 7:30 PM.