Here are some links to good books about the Israel/Palestine conflict.
click here for links to my articles and books, many of which are about the Israel/Palestine conflict.
Articles by Pro- Zionist Authors:
Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited (Cambridge Middle East Studies)
by Benny MorrisMorris describes the Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but does not condemn it.
The Jewish State: The Struggle for Israel's Soul
Yoram HazonyHazony explains the anti-democratic foundation of a Jewish state. He also worries that many Israelis don't understand the importance of a Jewish state.
Ben HechtHecht supports the idea of a Jewish state, but was shocked to learn of the perfidy of Zionist leaders during WWII who betrayed European Jews for it's sake.
1949, The First Israelis
Tom Segev ,
Arlen Neal WeinsteinI'm not sure if the authors consider themselves pro- or anti-Zionist, but they were the first to write the history of Israel's origin based on newly obtained archival records, and they challenged the pro-Zionist mythology.
Articles by Anti-Zionist Authors:
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine , by Ilan Pappe "This is a stunning and relentless collection of evidence. Pappe uses things such as military archives (opened in the 1990s), diary entries from Ben-Gurion, and oral histories from Hagana soldiers and Palestinians. He gives lengthy, village-by-village accounts of the destruction of homes and expulsion of residents. The expulsions were guided by files of the Jewish National Fund, which had been gathering intelligence data on the demographics of the villages for decades.
"It is hard to think of a book that is more opposite of a commonly accepted history than this one. According to Pappe, 1948 was not a desperate fight for survival by a surrounded Jewish enclave, it was a Zionist attack on the countryside. Most of the fighting stemmed from the Hagana's systematic destruction of 400 Palestinian villages. Most refugees were driven out BEFORE the main war started on May 15, 1948. Arab armies did intervene in a haphazard attempt to defend Palestinian sections (as set by the UN partition plan), but they were always out gunned, out numbered and out coordinated by the Hagana. Jordan, in particular, had a secret agreement with the Zionists to annex the West Bank in return for not joining an invasion of Israel. So the most effective Arab army, (and a Jordanian also commanded the pan-Arab "Arab Liberation Army") was not trying to destroy Israel, only protect its own designs on the West Bank and East Jerusalem." [a review on]
One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse, by Ali Abunimah "Clear-eyed, sharply reasoned, and compassionate, One Country proposes a radical alternative: to revive an old and neglected idea of one state shared by two peoples. Ali Abunimah shows how the two are by now so intertwined—geographically and economically—that separation cannot lead to the security Israelis need or the rights Palestinians must have. He reveals the bankruptcy of the two-state approach, takes on the objections and taboos that stand in the way of a binational solution, and demonstrates that sharing the territory will bring benefits for all. The absence of other workable options has only lead to ever greater extremism; it is time, Abunimah suggests, for Palestinians and Israelis to imagine a different future and a different relationship" [from]
Sharing the Land of Canaan by Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, who proposes for the region, one single multi-cultural state, in which the rights of all peoples of the region, Muslim, Christian and Jew, are respected and preserved, and those who have been displaced and disenfranchised be granted the right, under the United Nations Charter, and principles of humanitarian justice, to return to their homeland.
The One-State Solution: A Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock, by Virginia Q. Tilley
The One-State Solution by Edward Said (January 10, 1999)
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, by Israel Shahak
Apartheid Israel : Possibilities for the Struggle Within by
Uri DavisDavis describes in detail how the Israeli government officially discriminates against non-Jews and denies them their human rights.
FATEH - Palestinian Liberation Movement Palestine, 1/12/2003This Palestinian organization position paper rejects the two-state "solution" and calls for "Return First, and Peace for Two Nations in One State"
Karma Nabulsi is a fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford, a former PLO representative and adviser at the peace talks 91-93Nabulsi reports, "Across the board, from the mainstream political parties as well as from the refugee camps, the petitions and the declarations have flooded in. Just read any half-dozen and you see immediately that they are unequivocal. For the absolute majority of the Palestinian people, the refugee issue is right at the core of the conflict, and it has to be addressed .."
What Price Israel? 50th Anniversary Edition 1953-2003
Alfred M. LilienthalLilienthal examines the controversial origin of a Jewish state.
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
Lenni BrennerBrenner has collected primary source documents revealing the collaboration between Zionist leaders and Nazis during WWII, based on their agreement that Jews and non-Jews could not live together in the same nation.
Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony by Edward Said (September 25, 2003)
Zionism is the Issue: Building a Strong Pro-Palestinian Movement In the US By Lana Habash and Noah Cohen
Look Upon Your Works, Ye Israel, And Despair by Anne Gwynne
Sigmund Freud's letter to Dr. Chaim Koffler, 1930