The video piece preceeds an interesting discussion between Ms. Rooney and two academics (from Tufts and the Kennedy School).
Walpole Mourns Lt. Col. Andrew Bacevich
direct link to vieo
More tributes in the MMS:
Video from WBZ-TV
Video from NECN
Story w/ video on WCVB
Story w/ audio on WBUR
Here and Now on WBUR
OnPoint on WBUR
There are a few articles from the Globe here:
"A somber service in Norwood for a fallen soldier"
"Following war tragedy, son and father revered"
"BU professor creates scholarship fund in memory of son killed in Iraq"
"Rescinding the Bush Doctrine (by Andrew J. Bacevich)"
Offer support here: "Guest Book for Andrew J. Bacevich"
From the National Desk at the New York Times:
Former Soldier, Now a Professor, Loses His Only Son to a War He Actively Opposed"
And coverage from the Herald:
"Hundreds line streets for fallen soldier"
And a few write-ups in The Daily Transcript:
"Hundreds line streets for fallen soldier"
"Mournful morning"
"His father staunch critic of war"
From the blogosphere:
Stram - done that: "They gave it all"
Free Our Fobbits: "Correspondence on Bachevich's death"
Jules Crittenden - Forward Movement: "Beloved Son" "Lt. Andrew J. Bacevich, 27, of Walpole, Mass."
Jeff Egnaczyk - boonville blog: "RIP, Andrew Bacevich"
Steve Clemons - TMP Cafe: "What is Andrew Bacevich's Son's Life Worth?"
A day of sorrow; a day Walpole will clearly remember for some time. It was amazing to see all the support downtown; obviously, Lt Bacevich's service and sacrifice have touched many. Our condolences to the Bacevich family.