The next meeting of the Walpole Peace and Justice Group is on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 7:30 PM at United Church. The public is invited.
The Walpole Peace and Justice Group and United Church in Walpole are sponsoring a showing of the documentary, ‘Beyond Belief’ on September 11, 2011 at the United Church at 7:00 PM. In remembrance of 9/11, the award winning documentary ‘Beyond Belief’ is a about two 9/11 widows from the Boston area. Susan Retik and Patti Quigley are two ordinary soccer moms until tragedy strikes. Rather than turning inwards, grief compels them to reach out to widows in Afghanistan. Over the course of two years, as they cope with loss and struggle to raise their families as single mothers, these women dedicate themselves to empowering Afghan women whose lives have been ravaged by decades of war, poverty, and oppression. From the ruins of the World Trade Center to those of Kabul and back, theirs is a remarkable story, a journey of personal strength and international reconciliation, a testament to the vision that peace can be forged… one woman at a time. There will be a brief discussion following the film. People may park in the parking lot to the right of the church, using the driveway after the Center for Community Counseling and Education, and enter the church by the side door.