Friday, April 16, 2010

Benjamin Day - The Need for a Massachusetts Single Payer Health Plan

The Walpole Peace and Justice Group is sponsoring a talk by Benjamin Day on The Need for a Massachusetts Single Payer Health Plan on Tuesday, April 27th at 7:30 PM.
The health reform plan just passed by Congress leaves millions of people with no or limited health coverage and does little to control costs. Benjamin Day will speak on the MassCare campaign for a single, publicly financed health insurance plan. This plan will cut costs and provide comprehensive health care to all residents in Massachusetts. Almost all developed nations have some form of universal, publicly financed health care which covers all people while realizing enormous savings.  The single payer plan will give the Town of Walpole vital relief, removing the health insurance cost from the town budget, freeing up those funds for other badly needed town services and education.

Benjamin Day is the Executive Director of Mass-Care, the Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care. Day's background is in labor research and labor education. He is the co-editor the Encyclopedia of Strikes in American History, and author of a number of articles on labor organizing and health care reform. Benjamin has had the privilege of becoming sick in England, where he lived for a year under socialized medicine. He currently organizes the campaign for single payer health care in Massachusetts and serves part-time as the state coordinator for Massachusetts Physicians for a National Health Program.
The talk is being held at the United Church in Walpole, 30 Common Street,  in the Bradford Lewis Hall. People should park in the parking lot to the right of the church, using the driveway after the Center for Community Counseling and Education house, and enter the church using the right side door.

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