Thursday, August 18, 2011

Walpole Peace and Justice Group Peace Vigil, Saturday, August 20, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Cut miltary spending - Not Social Security, Close Corporate Ta

We are holding a vigil this coming Saturday to speak out for economic justice. The vigil will be held on Saturday, August 20, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the corner of Main St. and West St. across from the Walpole Coop Bank.

Any deals to solve the “debt crisis” in Congress must preserve the social programs that are essential to so many people in these difficult economic times. We urge our political leaders to look for other cuts and revenue sources instead of cutting social programs. For example, cutting the military budget and increasing taxes on those who can well afford it. Corporate loop holes should be closed and the Bush tax cuts left to expire. The United States spends almost as much on the military as all the other countries of the world combined. More than half of all US annual discretionary spending goes to the military and war fighting. We join with the Massachusetts 25% Solution campaign in urging that military spending be cut by 25% and the funds used for social services and to support our communities.

1 comment:

PHXIMAM said...

We need to be cutting the federal budget to match the revenue coming in. We do not need to tax anyone more than they already are being taxed. What we really need to do is get the bottom 50% of income earners to pay their fair share. We could cut the corporate rate to ZERO and then establish a flat tax for everyone else. Get rid of the death tax, Obamacare, raise the retirement age to 67 in five years not 75. Means test for medicare, medicaid and SS. Block grants to the states for medicare. Allow the selling of health insurance across state lines. Shut down the Dept of education, the EPA, the FCC, the NLRB, let students get private loans for college. Break up Freddie and Fannie. Repeal Dodd/Frank. Cut the military to a more reasonable size. Bring home all troops from Europe, the middle east, S Korea. The options are endless. But we must get rid of the big O first.